Sunday, April 5, 2009

Stop the Internet Scam!

I've gotten really tired about these. Almost every blog I visited is filled with duplicated articles. Where is the originality ? I'm pissed off because the situation got so bad recently. lol Maybe it's because of the gloomy economic situation now :P And for goodness sake, there are freaking so many work at home sites that would have just one single sale pitch page and opt in pop up for you to enter your email address and then they promise you to send you your free ebook and yeay! You are in their mailing list ^^". I had went to numerous sites and almost every single site says the same thing.

Some Similarities...
  1. Earn USD $200+ or more in 3 days. I thought that google would usually take about 5days to get a page indexed? I'm not sure though... Anyway if you know how to earn so much money in 3days then why would you share the secret to everbody? Won't it be like cutting your cake into smaller portions and share it with more people, isn't it? Or you mean you can earn even more money if someone buy your product? Hehe...Think about it, everything comes with terms and condition.
  2. This ebook usual price is $47! But now if you opt in your email address, I'll give you the ebook for free!! Yea right, I can google the ebook myself and the ebook doesn't really help. With the usual content whereby the first few pages would be talking about "you need to have motivation, strong driving force to do internet marketing and patience to see result" Then their closing would be asking you to pay them to be their affiliate member and start similar website just like theirs. -.- How horrible, it's just like a vicious cycle!
  3. Their tales are all the same. I think the tales came from the same person. Like I quited my 9-5 job because now I can earn more in interneting marketing. Think. If one day, everybody does internet marketing, who will be the one working in the office? How about the restaurants, the movie theaters, those business will probably shut down because nobody wants to work for them, everybody has become the internet marketer because interneting marketing can earn big bucks! Haha, unfortunately thats not true. Only the fittest, strongest will survive :)

Lastly, I wish to tell everybody, internet marketing is not an overnight get rich quick thing. It doesn't work that way. Please don't get cheated by those poorly designed template website, unless it's from a reputable person like Warren Buffet, the richest man in the world. You can click here to see his company's website. It's so simple. Anyhow he's not in the internet marketing sector, so it's okie. Haha

If the site asks you to pay money, think thrice. How does the site earns its revenue? Do they earn their revenue from internet marketing newbies? Or do they really earn alot and they are so kind to teach you how to earn money online just for a small fee? How credible are they? If you think that it's just a small sum of money and you can afford then go ahead. Or maybe you want to buy their ebook just to know how they earn your money then go ahead as well =P

I can say that right now it is hard to differentiate real internet marketing or it's a scam because there are just too many! It's like finding a needle in a haystack!

If you want to learn about internet marketing, then browse for free resources from the websites first and look from the library before you purchase for any resources.

I feel happier now, signing off!

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